Clang-tidy plugin


The clang-tidy plugin is used for executing the clang-tidy static code analysis tool.

Mandatory settings

There are no mandatory settings for the clang-tidy plugin.

Optional settings

The configuration of the clang-tidy plugin may contain the following settings:


A list of patterns to apply on the command line. See Patterns (5).


A list of environment variables that should be set before the commands are executed. See Environment (5).


Additional command line parameters to pass as a list of separate arguments. By default no additional arguments are added.


The working directory of the command. Can be an absolute path are a relative one w.r.t. the path to the considered configuration file. Commands that should be executed relative to the current working dir can use the {EH_WORKING_DIR} pattern.


A list of sources that must be checked by the clang-tidy plugin. The sources may contain wildcards.


A list of checks that should be enabled or disabled. Enabling or disabling checks is done the same way as they are enabled on the clang-tidy command line. Default: no checks will be enabled or disabled on the command line, meaning the default checks enabled by clang will be checked.


Threat warnings as errors. The value associated with this key is either:

  • A list of checks, defining which warnings will be threated as errors. See checks for the format.
  • The single keyword all: means that all enabled checks will be threated as errors.

Note: This options is only supported if the clang-tidy binary supports the -warnings-as-error=<string> option.



commands:                       # Define the commands that can be run
    example: Run the make example

patterns:                       # Define the patterns that can be used
    TARGET:                     # Define targets to check
        default-values:         # Only define the default value
            - hello
            - world

    - clang-tidy                # Use the clang-tidy plugin when running the 'example' command

        - TARGET
        - "src/{TARGET}.cpp"
        - "*"
        - "cppcoreguidelines-*"
        - "modernize-*"
        - "performance-*"
        - "readability-*"
        - "-fuchsia-*"
        - "-llvmlibc-*"
        - -fix

Additional files

In order for the above example to work, the following files need to be created in the src directory:


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

auto main() -> int {
    std::cout << "Hello" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

auto main() -> int {
    std::cout << "World!" << std::endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Save the example to an exec-helper configuration file and execute in the same directory:

eh example

See also

See exec-helper (1) for information about the usage of exec-helper.

See Configuration (5) for information about the configuration file format.

See Plugins (5) for information about the configuration file format.