Command line argumentsΒΆ

@cmd_args @no_args
Feature: Calling exec-helper without command-line options
    Scenarios for calling exec-helper without command-line options

        Given a controlled environment

    Scenario: The application is called with no command line arguments and no valid configuration file
        When we call the application
        Then the call should fail with return code 1
        And stderr should contain 'Could not find an exec-helper settings file'

    Scenario: The application is called with no command line arguments and a valid configuration file
        Given a valid configuration
        When we call the application
        Then the call should fail with return code 1
        And stderr should contain 'must define at least one command'
@cmd_args @invalid_args
Feature: Call the application with invalid arguments
    Scenarios for when the application is called with invalid command-line arguments

    | command_line              |
    | -b                        |
    | --blaat                   |
    | -b blaat                  |
    | --blaat blaat             |
    | --blaat blaat --foo bar   |

        Given a controlled environment

    Scenario: The version option is defined on a valid command line
        Given a valid configuration
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should fail with return code 1
        And stderr should contain 'unrecognised option'
        And stdout should contain 'Usage'
        And stdout should contain '--help'

    Scenario: The version option is defined on a valid command line with no configuration file
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should fail with return code 1
        And stderr should contain 'Could not find an exec-helper settings file'
        And stderr should not contain 'unrecognised option'
        And stdout should contain 'Usage'
        And stdout should contain '--help'
@cmd_args @help_option
Feature: Use the help command-line option
    Scenarios for when the help option is given on the command line

    | command_line                      |
    | -h                                |
    | --help                            |
    | --help --version --debug debug    |
    | --debug debug --help --version    |
    | --version --debug debug --help    |

        Given a controlled environment

    Scenario: The help option is defined on a valid command line
        Given a valid configuration
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should succeed
        And stdout should contain 'Usage'
        And stdout should contain 'Optional arguments:'
        And stdout should not contain 'Configured commands:'

    Scenario: The help option is defined on a valid command line with no configuration file
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should succeed
        And stdout should contain 'Usage: exec-helper [Optional arguments] COMMANDS...'
        And stdout should contain 'Optional arguments:'
        And stdout should not contain 'Configured commands:'

    Scenario: The help option is defined for a configuration with a command
        Given a valid configuration
        And the <command> command
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should succeed
        And stdout should contain 'Usage: exec-helper [Optional arguments] COMMANDS...'
        And stdout should contain 'Optional arguments:'
        And stdout should contain 'Configured commands:'
        And stdout should contain <command>

        | command  |
        | Command1 |

    Scenario: The help option is defined for a configuration with a pattern
        Given a valid configuration
        And the <pattern> pattern
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should succeed
        And stdout should contain 'Usage: exec-helper [Optional arguments] COMMANDS...'
        And stdout should contain 'Optional arguments:'
        And stdout should not contain 'Configured commands:'
        And stdout should contain 'Values for pattern'

        | pattern                                                                      |
        | { "key": "PATTERN", "long_options": ["blaat"], "default_values": ["blaat"] } |

    Scenario: The help option is defined for a configuration with a pattern and a command
        Given a valid configuration
        And the <command> command
        And the <pattern> pattern
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should succeed
        And stdout should contain 'Usage: exec-helper [Optional arguments] COMMANDS...'
        And stdout should contain 'Optional arguments:'
        And stdout should contain 'Configured commands:'
        And stdout should contain 'Values for pattern'
        And stdout should contain <command>

        | command  | pattern                                                                       |
        | Command1 | { "key": "PATTERN", "long_options": ["blaat"], "default_values": ["blaat"] }  |
@cmd_args @version_option
Feature: Use the version command-line option
    Scenarios for when the version option is given on the command line

    | command_line                      |
    | --version                         |
    | --version --debug debug --dry-run |
    | --debug debug --version --dry-run |
    | --dry-run --debug debug --version |

        Given a controlled environment

    Scenario: The version option is defined on a valid command line
        Given a valid configuration
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should succeed
        And stdout should contain 'exec-helper'
        And stdout should contain 'COPYRIGHT'

    Scenario: The version option is defined on a valid command line with no configuration file
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should succeed
        And stdout should contain 'exec-helper'
        And stdout should contain 'COPYRIGHT'
@cmd_args @dry_run_option
Feature: Use the dry run command-line option
    Scenarios for when the dry run option is given on the command line

    | command_line                      |
    | -n                                |
    | --dry-run                         |
    | --dry-run --debug debug --verbose |
    | --debug debug --dry-run --verbose |
    | --verbose --debug debug --dry-run |

        Given a controlled environment

    Scenario: The keep-going option is defined on a valid command line
        Given a valid configuration
        When we add the <command> command
        And we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we add the <command> to the command line options
        When we call the application
        Then the call should succeed
        And the <command> command should be called 0 times

        | command  |
        | describe |
@cmd_args @keep_going_option
Feature: Use the keep-going command-line option
    Scenarios for when the keep-going option is given on the command line

    | command_line                         |
    | -k                                   |
    | --keep-going                         |
    | --keep-going --debug debug --verbose |
    | --debug debug --keep-going --verbose |
    | --verbose --debug debug --keep-going |

        Given a controlled environment

    Scenario: The keep-going option is defined on a valid command line
        Given a valid configuration
        When we add the <command> that returns <return_code>
        And we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we add the <command> <nb_of_times> to the command line options
        When we call the application
        Then the call should fail with return code <return_code>
        And the <command> command should be called <nb_of_times> times

        | command | return_code   | nb_of_times |
        | fail    | 0             | 1           |
        | fail    | 0             | 3           |
        | fail    | 1             | 1           |
        | fail    | 1             | 4           |
@cmd_args @list_plugins_option
Feature: Use the 'list plugins' command-line option
    Scenarios for when the 'list plugins' option is given on the command line

    | command_line                           |
    | --list-plugins                         |
    | --list-plugins --debug debug --dry-run |
    | --dry-run --list-plugins --debug debug |
    | --debug debug --dry-run --list-plugins |

        Given a controlled environment

    Scenario: The 'list plugins' option is defined on a valid command line
        Given a valid configuration
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should succeed
        And stdout should contain 'command-line-command'

    Scenario: The 'list plugins' option is defined on a valid command line with no configuration file
        When we add the <command_line> as command line arguments
        And we call the application
        Then the call should succeed
        And stdout should contain 'command-line-command'